I am pissed off! The freedom of speech amendment was designed to protect Americans from SPEEKing freely and openly about their religious and personal views, without fear of persecution. What have we now? Kids are banned from talking about their Christian faith in schools. Public areas are banned from any one faith being promoted, mostly Christian. And yet we are free to say anything vile or hurtful to others. These jerks are protected by this amendment. We are talking about pornographers, hate mongers, and anyone who wishes to display obscene material. First of all, since when does "speech" include images? How is an image of a woman with her legs spread or being brutally harmed in some manner "speech"? What is the pornographers message in this freedom that he has been given? Why does he not just say, " I like to see women with their legs spread and I like other men to see it because they pay me lots of money to see that". Would that be more honest? And wouldnt that be protected under the law? Yes, it is protected. But distributing images should not be protected. The saddest thing is that we cannot freely speak of our religion anymore, lest it offend. How crazy is that? And why do we sit on our asses and do nothing about it? Do you see my point?
100% true!