I believe we all have an angel. Ill share a story now about a time that Im certain an Angel was looking out for me.
I was about seven and was riding my bike way away from home, which was common for me to do all the time. I rode out into farm land in the middle of nowhere. In the distance I saw a hunter holding a rifle and he called out to me to come closer. Little innocent fearless me rode over to where he was standing and he told me to do something totally disgusting. I didnt know it at the time that he was all turned on and ready to get down to business with me. I said no and that I had to go home. I got back on my bike and rode all the way around the field, on the road that I had rode in on. He had me in his sight for a long time and could have shot me. God knows he knew I would go straight home and tell my parents, and that they would immediately call the police. Well, I did and they did. While this all happened with that man, I felt such a sense of danger and I know an Angel was there with me, telling me it wasnt time to go home to Heaven yet.
I get so upset when I hear of kids that were raped or killed. I still believe they had an Angel, because it was their time to go home, as hard as that is to come to terms with, especially for parents.
I believe we do have angels who watch us.........