What the heck is with that chinese! Cant get rid of it. Oh well. Its supposed to say The No Sleep Zone. Through all thats happened this year, Ive become an insomniac. It really bothered me at first and the anxiety just made it worse. Not only was I not sleeping, I was also having huge anxiety attacks because of it. Well, Ive adapted. I have been up for 4 hours already and am OK with it. I idulge in TV and then by 3 or 4 Im ready for coffee. Sometimes that puts me straight to sleep and thats OK. I sleep till I wake up. No more guilt trips. Other times I remain energized and start my day after coffee. Usually I will go spend time on the computer and Facebook until 9:30 or until I cant stand it any longer, which ever comes first. The 9:30 cut off is for The Bold And The Beautiful. I brake for B&B. To those who dont have the luxury of a flexible schedule, I truly feel for you. I dont know how I would manage with a 9-5 job. My life is not that anymore and Im getting over my guilt and self digust, and learning to roll with the punches. There must be a reason my mind wont let me sleep and Im honoring that.
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